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All Day
Summer Reading Program
Join us Monday June 3rd through Saturday August 3rd for the Summer Reading Program! From day-old babies to 125
Song & Rhyme Time
Enjoy songs and rhymes? Then this online program is for you! Watch for new videos to sing along! Watch for
Pittsburgh Puppet Works: Inky’s Amusement Park Mystery
Christ the Divine Teacher School 323 Chestnut St, LatrobeIn “Inky’s Amusement Park Mystery” Inky and his pal Albert try to solve the mystery of why Purrsburgh Amusement Park
Bake a Tale Monster Cookies Take Home Kit
RAWR! Monster Cookies are here for some summer fun! Pick up your free recipe and activity kit starting Monday, July
Movie Day: Homeward Bound
Adams Memorial Library 1112 Ligonier Street, LatrobeBeat the heat and watch a summer reading-themed movie! For July, we’re showing Homeward Bound. We’ll provide the popcorn, but